How to Play …
The Great BioQuest is an interactive, circular tour of Cambridge starting and ending at the Musem of Zoology. Along the trial, you will visit past workplaces and famous sites relating to some of the city’s most influential biologists.
Each point in the route will explore the history of a specific biological theme and will tell you more about the research we are doing now in relation to it.
Answer the riddle or question at the bottom of each page to unlock the next part of the trail. Choose either the Pro-Explorer or Young Explorer option for different levels of difficulty.
Click on the ANSWER box - a pop up window will appear where you can type your answer. All text answers begin with a capital letter. Number answers are numerical and not text.
Keep looking!
If you are trying to answer the Pro-Explorer riddle, have a look at the Young Explorer question to give you a clue. Make sure your answer starts with a capital letter and you have spelt it correctly! Remember number answers are numerical too!